ISO 9001:2015 Certification
Ideal Turf is proud to announce that we have been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 certification, an internationally recognized standard that ensures our products and services meet the needs of customers through an effective quality management system.
ISO 9001:2015 is the world’s most widely recognized quality management standard and helps organizations to meet the expectations and needs of their customers.
As part of the ISO 9001:2015 certification process, Ideal Turf engaged in a rigorous audit of our business processes as well as our product quality.
By achieving this level of certification, we had to demonstrate our ability and desire to effectively and efficiently provide a quality management system.
This certification further strengthens our commitment to our customers.
Ideal Turf strives to continually improve our turf products, residential and commercial turf installation services, and systems so that we are recognized by our customers for leadership and excellence as an artificial grass company.
To accomplish this, we define requirements clearly, conform to those requirements and the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and perform all tasks in the spirit of continuous improvement.
We would also like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to our customers and suppliers for their continued commitment and loyalty.
Ideal Turf will always strive to exceed your high expectations.
With our goals focused on the emphasis of quality assurance and innovative production, we look forward to bringing the business and our brand to new heights in the months and years to come.
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Why ISO 9001:2015?
ISO 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to (although this is not a requirement).
It can be used by any organization, large or small, regardless of its field of activity.
In fact, there are over one million companies and organizations in over 170 countries certified to ISO 9001:2015.
This standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach, and continual improvement.
These principles are explained in more detail in ISO’s quality management principles.
Using ISO 9001:2015 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good quality products and services, which in turn brings many business benefits.
To learn more feel free to call us at (800) 204-4650 or contact us online!