Putting Green Cost Calculator
The cost calculator is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. It is NOT an actual estimate. To receive an estimate, contact us, and one of our turf design & installation consultants will reach out to schedule a site visit.

Step 1: Enter Project Size
Drag the slider to the approximate square footage of your putting green installation.
Step 2: Choose Budget Range
Using the dropdown, select the turf price range. 'Lower Cost Turf' will use the lowest cost per sq. ft. to calculate your installation cost. 'Higher Cost Turf' will use a higher cost per sq. ft..
Step 3: Project Type + Location
Use the 'Project Type' drop-down to select either 'Residential' or 'Commercial.' Then use the 'Project Location' drop-down to select the city you're in or nearest to.
How Much Does An Artificial Putting Green Cost?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions we get, but it is also one of the most difficult to answer. The design, materials, and professional installation of an Ideal Turf putting green generally costs anywhere from $11 to $35+ per square foot depending on a number of factors. Below are the most influential factors in determining putting green cost.
According to HomeAdvisor:
“Installing a medium, 200-square-foot putting green averages $4,300 for most homeowners. Bigger artificial putting greens (500-square-feet or more) will likely cost at least $9,000. A 100-square-foot green will run between $1,800 and $3,000. Most contractors will charge between $18 and $25 per square foot to turn your lawn into a golfing paradise.”
1. Putting Green Size
While putting greens on the PGA Tour measure about 5,000 to 6,000 square feet, one can typically practice their short game on a green that is a fraction of this size. Most of Ideal Turf’s installations are under 1,000 square feet, but we have built greens of all sizes.
Here are some general pricing guidelines.
- 2,000 square feet and larger:Â $11 to $20 per sq. ft.
- 400 – 2,000 square feet: $16 to $25 per sq. ft.
- Under 400 square feet:Â Typically over $25 per sq. ft.
2. Putting Green Design
As one would expect, designing a tour-quality putting green can be a relatively complex task. Our golf green designers need to not only consider how to design the base and ensure proper drainage but putting greens that simulate those on the tour typically have design features that require training and experience to create.
Given this, the cost of a typical putting green can vary a bit depending on how complex the design of the green is and what skill level is required to create it.
3. Number of Cuts
One of the key benefits of an artificial grass backyard putting green is that you can practice all aspects of your short game as the greens are designed and constructed to mimic the performance of a putting green on the PGA Tour. Given this, many people will opt to outfit their green with multiple cuts of fringe and fairway turf so that they can practice all types of shots.
4. Site Access & Preparation
The accessibility of the site to equipment and materials can have a major impact on the time and costs involved to install a green.  Costs can be higher if the space cannot be accessed with larger machines as we have to use wheelbarrows and small equipment.
Similarly, the need for significant grading and sodding or the addition of retaining walls or other landscaping to prepare and finish the land will have a major impact on the price.
5. Putting Green Features
While many of our customers start out looking for a backyard putting green, it only takes a few minutes looking through our portfolio of work before they start inquiring about bunkers, tee boxes, water hazards and other cool features. These may not affect the cost of the green, but they do have an impact on the cost of the entire project.
6. Putting Green Installation
The Ideal Turf secret to creating a high-quality, synthetic putting and chipping green is the installation process. Our installation crews undergo extensive training to master Ideal Turf’s design and installation techniques.
While our installation process is typically more thorough and time-consuming than others, it allows us to create greens that truly simulate the look, feel, and appearance of natural grass greens along with the durability and low-maintenance associated with a synthetic turf green.
Expect to pay between $11 and $25 per square foot to have a backyard putting green installed. This pricing could change based on size. The larger your golf green, the less you’ll pay per square foot; most contractors lower their rates for bigger projects.
For example, a large green of 2,000 or more square feet might cost $12 per square foot whereas a smaller green might cost $25 per square foot. Smaller projects take less time so rates often rise to make it worth the time and materials.